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Key AAPL Valuation Statistics
Apple Executive Management Biographies by TechStock2000
See > S&P’s Buffett Stock Screen
Apple’s [AAPL] closing price on February 5, 2008 was $129.36 At this price per share, Apple [AAPL] is now a “value play” based on Warren Buffet’s Stock Screen. The screen looks for:
= Owner earnings (cash flow minus capital exp) above $50 million
= Net margins of at least 15% for the past 12 months
= At least 15% ROE in the previous quarter and in past three years
= Retained earnings that have grown less than market cap over 5 years
= Projected cash flow per share above current stock price over next 5 years
= Market value at or above $500 million
A new report from the Gartner Research Group predicts that by 2011, Apple will double its U.S. and Western Europe unit market share in computers.