Update – March 16, 2010: Apple has hired Richard DeVaul Ph.D., a veteran of the wearable computing field and computer animation. While at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Dr. DeVaul wrote his dissertation on “The Memory Glasses,” a real-time memory support system (smart glasses).
I spent the last five years of graduate school working on new human-computer interaction techniques for wearable, mobile, and portable applications.
Vindication? Just a bit
April 20, 2008: I have to chuckle after seeing Apple’s recent patent filing for a laser-based head mounted display tethered to iPhone or other Apple hardware. Back in late 2006 I posted on AppleInsider Forums about the notion of Apple offering just such a product. I called it “iShades.” This was my first and only post on AppleInsider Forum and I was ridiculed mercilessly. I actually had to laugh too. Some of the veterans on that board had good fun at my expense … and they were quite creative with their humorous digs. One posted a photo of a new graduate blowing bubbles with massive, oversized glasses. “iShades found!” was his caption. Thus inspired, more “piled on” with good humor. Finally one veteran poster chimed in … some words to the effect “Okay, now that we’ve had our fun with the newbie, let’s address the idea he presented.” He added more about early iterations of augmented reality eyeware in the market that failed to live up to promise … yet he liked the idea and was the first to support my post and the merit of Apple eventually producing such a product. The product manager for Microvision’s augmented reality eyeware, Ben Averch, joined the thread discussion and (no surprise) supported the notion that augmented reality eyeware would soon have a big impact in the marketplace. The thread eventually died and sadly it is nowhere to be found on the Forum. Perhaps it is archived somewhere in Indiana Jones’ forgotten artifacts warehouse? I added a similar post (12.20.2006) on Everything iPhone now icafe. No lively retorts or banter there, but at least the thread still exists … see below
Image of > Wearable Displays: Mobile Device Eyewear via Microvision
12-20-2006, 06:14 AM | # (permalink) |
Join Date: Dec 2006
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After reading various articles and looking at ink blots (seeing what I want to see), here is my latest SWAP (Super wild-ass prognostication)
The future (2008/9) for Apple may be via an “augmented reality” (AR) eye-phone. Let’s call them iShades. Apple Insider hints at a “jaw-dropping device not due to hit the market until the following year.” Is this new product an AR iShades (eyewear)? *To learn more about the “things” you might see in your field of vision, read Microvision (MVIS) Blog The eyewear product manager for Mircovision has even hinted that an Apple logo might at some point appear on “augmented reality” (AR) eyewear. He didn’t mention his own company, but it’s not a stretch to conceive of such a collaboration. And oh by the way, Microvision has just announced (Thurs., Dec 14th) a joint development agreement with a manufacturing partner. What are they cooking up? “Ultra-miniature laser projectors for mobile phones, personal media players, laptops and DVD players. Additional applications include lightweight color eyewear.” Hmmm? Interesting! Hope it’s Apple. But darned if Microvision isn’t HQed in Redmond, WA. Too cold and rainy up there. And the Vistas aren’t very good there either. [url=http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/061214/20061214005202.html?.v=1] ~ Dan B.
Last edited by idannyb : 12-20-2006 at 06:22 AM.
[...] their own wearable computer glasses. Apple later hired wearable computer expert Richard DeVaul. While at MIT, DeVaul helped to develop ‘Memory Glasses.’ DeVaul jumped ship in 2012 [...]