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iPhone in China rate plans posted and translated

iphone-china-unicom-111China Unicom iPhone service plans posted. The cheap student plan (not available for iPhone) and enterprise plans are not included in this published chart. There are several plans that will come with a free (0 yuan) iPhone. The trade-off being a higher monthly plan cost.


English translation

Package monthly fee (unit: yuan) 126 156 186 226 286 386 586 886
iPhone 3G S
Product Package 6999 yuan
Phone models 3999 3799 3499 3199 2699 1799 99 0
Pre-deposits 3000 3200 3500 3800 4300 5200 6900 6999
Sub-month return of the amount 125 133 146 158 179 217 288 292
Product Package 7999 yuan
Phone models 4999 4699 4399 4099 3599 2699 999 0
Pre-deposits 3000 3300 3600 3900 4400 5300 7000 7999
Sub-month return of the amount 125 138 150 163 183 221 292 333
iPhone 3G
Product Package 5999 yuan
Phone models 3099 2899 2599 2299 1799 899 0 0
Pre-deposits 2900 3100 3400 3700 4200 5100 5999 5999
Sub-month return of the amount 121 129 142 154 175 213 250 250
Domestic voice call minutes 320 420 510 700 900 1250 1950 3000
Domestic traffic 450MB 570MB 720MB 850MB 1.1GB 1.6GB 2.5GB 4GB
The number of domestic-point SMS 120 150 180 220 280 380 580 880
The number of domestic-point creed MMS 15 17 20 25 30 40 65 95
Answer Free Range National
The excess of domestic voice calls 0.15 yuan / min
Excess of domestic data traffic 0.0003 yuan / KB
Other The implementation of the standard tariff

2 Responses to “iPhone in China rate plans posted and translated”

  1. niji says:

    thanks for posting this.
    i wonder if it will be possible to use an unlocked carrier-free iPhone from HK and just get on one of the Unicom iPhone plans mentioned.
    seems to me that Unicom would want as many of the current iPhones in use in China to switch over to their network.

  2. Dan Butterfield says:


    I’m sure China Unicom would be more than happy to have you on their network with or without the “official” China Unicom iPhone. There are also some 1.5 million iPhones now in China (appx 1 million are WCDMA 3G ready) and Unicom will pitch those who are using China Mobile’s EDGE 2G network – “move up to 3G.”

    I suspect the iPhones built specially for China Unicom will come preloaded with many “for China” apps and may integrate seamlessly with their “Wo” portal. It will be interesting to see how the package of 3G services will function on official iPhones verses grey-market? Looks like Unicom will offer mobile TV and special NFC-embedded SIM-cards (“wave-to-pay”) for public transportation. Another advantage of the “official” Unicom iPhone is the ability to install updates w/o worry of bricking + the Unicom iPhone will come with a warranty.

    The WAPI/WiFi status of the official Unicom iPhone is still subject to debate. Sounds like the first model iPhone (A1324) will launch w/o WiFi … but the second model (A1325) may have the WAPI/WiFi combo. Stay tuned.

    Here are a number new photos of the Unicom iPhone next to a grey-market iPhone. Unicom version is on the left. http://life.dayoo.com/life/200910/03/73698_10949211_4.htm

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