Why Starfleet switched to Mac > The beginning of the end!
Carriers are eager to promote data-plan usage on mobile handsets. When it comes to data-usage, Apple’s iPhone demolishes the competition! See full article > HERE
May 22, 2008
A Rubicon Consulting survey found that 47% of AT&T’s iPhone customers had jumped ship from another carrier. Moreover, iPhone users were spending an average of $19 more per month than customers using other AT&T mobile phones. A quick back-of-the-napkin calculation suggests that AT&T is pulling in $167 million per month ($2 billion per year) from iPhone users alone. See also Chris Foresman’s Ars Technic article > iPhone proves to be good business for AT&T.
February 13, 2008
Vic Gundotra, head of Google’s mobile operations told the Financial Times at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona … Google has seen
“50 times more searches on Apple’s iPhone than any other mobile handset…We thought it was a mistake and made our engineers check the logs again,” [no mistake]
Feb 10, 2008
Vivek Dev, chief operating officer of Telefonica O2 Europe said.
“Our Apple iPhone is already driving - unheard-of levels of mobile Internet usage and the introduction of flat-rate data tariffs is expected to increase this further,”
December 10, 2007
AT&T CEO Randal Stephenson video interview with David Faber on CNBC [Topic: Revenue growth by way of data on wireless] –
“When somebody gets an iPhone in their hand, and here is an Internet capable device in the hand, that customer’s data usage doubles!“
Stephenson continues:
“[iPhone] has raised an awareness, in terms of what is possible on a wireless device, like nothing I have ever seen! … Put an iPhone in my hands and I suddenly go from being a skeptic … to a believer!”